Posts Tagged ‘progressive’

He’s Done It Again…


Yes, Nero in Chief once again opened his mouth during his boring State of the Union Speach to show us exactly what his goals for our nation is; collapse. He said it, not me. And I quote, “… we will rise and fall together… “. I know, I know, “Don’t take it out of context” says the neutered left. Here’s a thought, instead of making excuses for this Marxist loser, why can’t the left wing morons see him for what he is. It’s as plain as the nose on their faces.

Not that I’m a conspiracy nut, well, maybe a little bit when it comes to my liberties and survival, but after a few days, I can’t seem to find a transcript that still has the “… we will rise and fall together… ” passage still in it. Odd. Oh well, I guess some things can be “unsaid” in The land of Obamma.

No, I’m not done yet, he also managed to brown nose the illegal aliens, yet again. “… no matter if your family arrived by Ellis Island, slave ships, or the Rio Grande…”. As an aside, for such a progressive Marxist loser, he sure managed to improperly pronounce “Rio Grande” for our “Friends” south of the boarder. Real sensitive there, “mi presidente”. Not only that, but I can’t think of anyone I know that arrived on a slave ship. I know he didn’t, he’s too young. So just what the hell was he babbling about? But I digress, once again he manages to put on display his Nero-ist agenda, in shockingly clear fashion. If you think this still does not expose his real agenda, well, you are blind and deaf, very blind and deaf.

Now, why would he want to make it very easy for illegal aliens to get into and live in our nation? I’ve covered it before, but for you progressive Marxists, I’ll repeat it here so you won’t be burdened with clicking on the Search link to find it for yourselves; If you schmooze these South of the Boarder Criminals, just like Nero  and his contemporaries did in ancient Rome, they will support Obamma and his left wing losers in government,  just like in Ancient Rome, and it will contribute to our collapse, just like Ancient Rome. In short, more, former or present, illegal alien votes means more power. And they also know that because illegal aliens are not well educated, especially in English, they will simply vote for Obamma and the ‘Crat Party without question. The health of out nation does not matter, only the retention of power matters. “The ends justify the means”.

There it is, like I said, “Plain as the nose on your faces”.

No Matter How Much You Polish a Turd…


Inside, it’s still a turd, okay? So now the Marxist, commie, liberal, loony-left, progressive ‘Crat Party losers came up with another label or “Un-Label” for themselves, known as The… wait for it… (Drum Roll please)… No Label Party, (Rim Shot here). Sweet Mother of God, when will these morons ever give up? Talk about the “Political Keystone Cops”. Every time they alienate… er, “undocumentate” the American people they careen about into yet more stupidity. Out of the proverbial pot and straight into the fire. This just gets better and better.

Now this time it’s along the same lines as the “no score kept” policy that is practiced in Public Indoctri… er, Schools these days. Sorry, I almost said “Public Indoctrination Camps”, but that would have been a “confrontational”, though true label against the public school system. But I digress. Think about it, in public schools there’s no sports scores kept because it might hurt the self esteem of the losing team. We can’t have that. After all, the losing team would be the, well, “losers”.

Now in the normal world, that would be desirable. The coach would castigate them about not working hard enough, their parents would encourage them to try harder and their peers would make fun of them. Then, so they don’t have to go through that again, they’d kick the opposing teams collective butts so they have to go through it. It’s along the same line as “You don’t win wars by dying for your country, you win wars by making the other poor bastard die for his” (General George S. Patten). Instead, boys are socially neutered and girls spayed. Then, they screw them up further, in High School “Sex Education”. They’re told that all kinds, homosexual, bi-sexual, “tri-sexual” and even a little heterosexual activity should be practiced as soon as possible, marriage or not. Preferably not, because that may require some kind of religious commitment, marriage license and resulting health exam that would turn up potential STDs. We can’t have that because that would be “labeling”, and as we know, labels are bad, “So do what you want, with, who or whatever (bestiality) you want and check your stigma at the door”.

You think none of that is connected to the No Label party? Okay, how about Global Cooling? That label didn’t work, so they went to Global Warming. After a couple of decades, and by coincidence, a couple of eleven year Sunspot Cycles, things are cooling off. So then they tried Global Cooling again and renamed it Climate Change. I’ll go out on a limb and say the next “Climate Label” will be the Climactic No Label Model. Sheesh! Now in past generations, this would not have been an issue. These Big Government dinosaurs would have been able to pull it off. Look at how Hitler did it, pitch something the people want to hear with promises of wealth and power. Then came that damned Internet and longer life spans. Because of them, people remember the lies and hoaxes. “Okay, time for action.” They then offer up freebies like Government Health Care with it’s hidden “death panel” clauses. Then promise to protect us on line with Net Neutrality. To what end? Think, just think about it. Move some of that paranoia of the Evil Right to the Left. Could it be to shorten our lives, like many STDs do, and limit uncontrolled transfer of knowledge? “No, it simply can’t be, can it?”

“But wait Jack!” The loony left exclaims, “Those are labels! We don’t believe in labels!” Yeaaaah…. no. Not until it comes to labeling Conservatives anyway, right?. Now face it, you lost the House and you know that the Senate and White House will be next no matter how many bags or boxes of ‘Crat ballots are found at the “last moment”. Yeah, I’m rubbing your face in the Mid Terms, you bet. I’ve got one more message for you, “Get a clue, and some common sense, ya’ left wing No Label losers”.